The floodgates of informational warfare are wide open, urging us to process and discern the torrents of information pouring in. This month’s energies push us to delve deeply into the currents of media wars and the essential practice of discerning truth. (watch the Forecast Video and listen to the Energy Alignment Meditation this month).

When Karma Meets Destiny
Collective Energy Forecast August 2024
As we enter August 2024, we find ourselves amidst a highly dynamic and transformative landscape. Collective developments in July have proven to be catalytic, as previously forecasted. The floodgates of propaganda are wide open, urging us to process and discern the torrents of information pouring in. This month’s energies push us to delve deeply into the currents of media wars and the essential practice of discerning truth.
Perhaps you will notice an increasing spiritualization of war in media, similar to the insanities of past crusades. The emotional language dominating our media landscape, reminiscent of righteousness, retribution, and higher judgment, is essentially narrative warfare. We are all co-creators of our karma, and as destiny meets karma, we are reminded to learn from our past experiences! Here, an example:
Untruth: War is a tool for peace!
Truth: War is a tool for power and control.
By feeling into the essence of a statement, you can clearly see the difference! Applied to our personal areas of life, we will now have to rise up in consciousness and educate ourselves about the mechanics of how outer influences shape our perceptions. This is crucial for the discernment of the various inner and outer influences on our decision making and role media manipulation plays in our understanding of ourselves as a collective humanity.
From August til the end of the year we will be witnessing a bombardment with incessant flow of information, which can make it challenging to keep up with. It will be very important for us to leverage and gauge our exposure to news/social/media as the faculity to separate truth from untruth, fact from fiction. It must include reflections on our own ego realities. Pay attention to the current reality check, overflowing with narratives designed to sway our opinions and beliefs, fueling divisions with the purpose of presenting war and conflict as a necessity, or the 'only' solution. If we allow this unbridled stream of etheric information without discernment, it can easliy nudge us into the lower mental and emotional states of hopelessness and powerlessness.
So, in the presence of continued revelations of truths and lies, August calls for heightened awareness of subtle manipulation techniques such as priming, nudging, and framing. These techniques shape how we interpret information and have significant implications for our perception and self-understanding. However, our karma is shaped by the consciousness level of our choices, meaning the energetic reality we create with our words, actions, thoughts, and sentiments. And so, if we allow external forces to influence our choices, we unconsciously support these forces that can steer us into the lower realms of collective karma. Navigating these waters demands cultivating our ability to discern truth from noise.
Subjectively, August will feel like a strong gust of fresh air coming in through floods of information. At first it may feel invigorating, as it triggers many emotions in us, but it can easily develop into a destructive inner hurricane if we are not conscious. If we can use this fresh-air-feeling for creative exploration and expression, we will be able to channel August Energies into positive manifestations, such as new hobbies/talents/learning about ourselves.
The energetic challenge in August also asks us to reflect on the two-way aspect of communication and why it’s so important to hold our own focus. Unexpectedly, we can learn that the one power that can guide us back into the sovereignty of free thinking and true feeling is the quality of love and lovingness. The overall energetic weather condition in August encourages us to embrace the journey of self-discovery through conscious engagement with the information we consume.
Questions to consider and reflect on:
- How do my opinions form?
- What in me makes me feel this way?
- Where did this thought come from?
- What narratives have we unconsciously adopted?
- How have they influenced our understanding of ourselves and our place in the world?
As we move into the next level of growth and energetic expansion, it is crucial to translate this internalized wisdom from our past into our practical 3D lives. Spiritual growth, conscious energy awareness, and a desire for greater authenticity will no longer be regarded as mere hobbies but as instrumental in navigating humanity's future. They will help us overcome resistance to a higher level of consciousness.
By recognizing the impact of propaganda and media narratives on our personal framework, we can begin to untangle the layers of influence shaping our thoughts and emotions. This process is not merely about evaluating external sources but more so about exploring our inner alignments and sentiments underneath. As we confront our inner truth in this way, we are invited to reflect on our beliefs, biases, and perceptions.
In this way, we can learn to refine our sense of discernment, and empower ourselves to challenge preconceived notions and align learn to better align with our deeper truths that resonate with our true/higher selves. This alignment will help us remember how to connect with our spiritual reality and see through the distractions of outer attacks on our freedom of thought and spiritual growth.
August also serves as a reminder of humanity's interconnectedness and the need for collective healing. The narratives and agendas we engage with—whether regarding politics, global or personal changes—not only shape our individual realities but also contribute to the collective consciousness. As we learn to navigate the complexities of propaganda and ego agendas, we can begin to understand the power of our collective voices. By choosing to uplift and amplify truth, we contribute to a more enlightened and conscious destiny for humanity.
This month, let us commit to being active participants in our narratives. Embrace the opportunity to question, reflect, and engage with the information that surrounds us. As we hone our discernment skills, we will find clarity amidst confusion, paving the way for a deeper understanding of ourselves as individuals and as a unified human society.
Check out our group-based or personal Energetic Self-Mastery, Sacred Self-Healing, or Spiritual Inititation Programs if you are interested in exploring how to navigate the deeper aspects of navigating modern consciousness development.
Remember, our relationships and the way we share and communicate with others play a significant role during this time. There may be opportunities for deepening existing relationships, fostering new connections, and cultivating a sense of community. New alliances, collaborative endeavors, and meaningful partnerships may thrive during this period. Focus on connection—it will pay off!
In summary, August will help us recognize the power we hold to shape our realities through conscious choices. By embracing truth and standing firm against manipulation, we can transcend the influences of external forces and energies working through us, and ultimately awakening to a more profound understanding of our shared humanity.
Stay Conscious!
Much Love,
Jona Bryndis
Energetic Analysis
More details and daily energetic conditions on my Energy Calendar Page

Keys to Navigating August 2024 Energies

Free 20-Minute Energy Alignment for August 2024
Here, this month's energy alignment, that might help you reconnect with your inner compass if you confused, off-track or stuck.!
Primary Energy Resonance

The Power of Destiny
Destiny is the culmination of events that will necessarily happen to a particular person in the future based on the ENERGETIC QUALITY of the thoughts, emotions, words, actions, choices, and habits a person expresses.
Destiny is not a hidden or external power controlling what will happen in the future, but the level of consciousness with which we express ourselves as individuals and through interaction with others.
The more unconscious our expressions the more karmic the nature of our future and the binds we thus co-create.
Contemplations in August:
To understand the meaning of this energy code, let go of holding on to what was. focus on what comes next instead.
What are my resistances telling me about what is no longer true for me?
Where do I put my energy?
Is it leading me toward what I truly want in life?
Transformation is happening - with or without you.Anything that is not true, or that we cannot do with love, or love doing, must go!Let go of what no longer works for you,and allow your courage, creativity, and energy to find new ways to get you true stability and worth from within.The more actively you engage with change,the easier it becomes!
The faster you can come to terms with how you have been giving your power away,the easier it will be for you to reclaim it!Anything you resist or repress turns into karma.
Listen to your true callingby asking for your fundamental needs and wants to be revealed - no matter how much your ego resists!Face your fears and ask for change,and you will find that the Universe will conspire to make it happen for you!
Deep down, you know what it is!
Your True Self has been telling you all along!Follow your sorrow,and it will show your true path to more truth, freedom, and love in your life!
As always, if you need assistance with these deeper concepts, please don't hesitate to schedule a free initial energy coaching with me:
Stay Conscious!
Jona Bryndis
Founder of transCODES Energy Healing & Training
transCODES offers a variety of energy coaching and training modalities. If you are interested in learning more about my NEW!!! For my Spiritual Initiation Group Training click here , for energy healer & coach training classes click here, for the energetics of relationships click here and for personal energy sessions click here. To participate in our ongoing workshops, lectures, online meditations, and Energy Healing Sessions check out our Sacred Self-Healing Training or Energy Training Club membership. No prerequisites.
Please come to our live Energy talks in our Daily Sacred Self Skype Channel - or watch the recordings on my Youtube Channel.