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Sacred Self-Healing Premium Member



Sacred Self-Healing Program

Self-Awareness and Self-Healing Training Course with community access, daily meditations, online group meditations, and two monthly workshops

Sacred Self-Healing Premium Member
Sacred Self-Healing Premium Member

Time & Location


Sacred Self-Healing Program


About the event


Mind-Body-Heart-Soul Connection 

Strengthening your Body-Mind-Heart-Soul connection cannot only increase your physical, emotional, and mental health, but also allow you to feel your True Self. Authenticity and a strong sense of Self are the foundation for a happy, fulfilled, and meaningful life.

Sacred Self-Healing & Discovery

The sacred self-healing course provides you with a structured roadmap to experiencing your Higher Self for yourself by training you in higher learning and energy awareness.  It teaches the mysteries of your physical, etheric, astral and consciousness bodies. You will learn to unblock your inner connection and discover the self-healing power of knowing yourself. 

Your Sacred Self Journey will take you on your heart's path of  self-discovery and healing by showing you previously unknown,  unexplored, and hidden treasures while exploring the deeper dimension of  your Self. It will gently guide you on how to take your power back and  train you on how to work with this new understanding of yourself in your  practical life. But most  importantly, it will show you the way to taking your power back that you  never thought you had, that you lost or that was taken away from you!

Now,  more than ever, it is not enough to blindly trust in what the world  presents us as reality. We need to learn how to find and use the inner  power that can show us the light that gives us the courage and belief in  ourself, to grow into our Higher Self.


With this Course you will deepen your ability to:

- Connect with your Heart 

- Let go of Ego Addictions

- Discover your True Self & Inner Divinity 

- Learn how to identify and overcome too much Thinking & Emotions 

- Perceive and discern Energies 

- Differentiate, Transform & Align to Energy Fields 

- Work with your Shadow 

- Integrate Karmic Aspects 

-  Heal Inner Child Wounds                                                                                                          

- Reconnect  with your Sacredness 

- Connect With Masculinity & Femininity 

- Clear Blockages preventing your Manifestations 

- Transcend inner Programs & Patterns 

- Prevent Energetic Absorption & Attacks 

- Feel and direct Inner Self-Healing Energies 

- Introduction into Spiritual Initiation

- Apply Energy Work into your Daily Life

With  each STEP you receive suggestions to work the deeper physical,  emotional, mental, social, and spiritual aspects of its healing and  self-discovery layer. The integrated SELF-EXPLORATION EXERCISES are supposed to guide you on how to better internalize and integrate  your inner experience.

Each STEP has recurring parts associated with it, for example:

- Introduction into the Resonance practiced 

- Article or further reading suggestions 

- Exercises 

- List of Keywords 

- Energy Work Modality (Meditation)


Online Live STEP Work 

In  addition to the self-guided STEP work, we are offering daily online meditations and online STEP work. In our DAILY SELF series, which is a  daily guided 60 min online session you have the opportunity to meditate  with others and share your experiences. 


  • Premium Membership 1 Year

    After you worked with the initial 24 STEP program you may continue to enjoy our regular workshops and discounts for premium members

  • Sacred Self-Healing Course

    24 STEP Course with one-year membership for ongoing programs




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