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How Karma Allows Us to Grow

Jona Bryndis

What if Karma is a failsafe for us to live our highest?


We all have Karma. ‘What goes around comes around’. In other words, we all make choices in life that determine the further unfolding of our actions, feelings, and relationships. So in a non-spiritual sense, Karma could also be called the consequences of our choices. The problem with this understanding is, that for the most part, we don’t really know what these karmic consequences are, or we are unaware that we are playing out predisposed karmic aspects. Until this becomes aware to us, our life appears as a random pattern of unconscious repeats making us feel like victims, or worse, powerless over our choices.

In self-transformation, we learn to develop a more open and expansive view on life by taking on a more holistic understanding of life. As we shift our attention away from the dualities of life (seeing everything as either good or bad) we begin to feel ourselves in a more rarified way. We no longer regard life as a randomized, material manifestation, but begin to see ourselves as sophisticated energetic beings with a consciousness that is having a 3D experience. With this understanding, we begin to realize how our day-to-day choices, actions, thoughts, feelings, dreams, and inner sentiments can and do affect the manifestations in our life. We begin to see our life and the world around us as a reflection of our inner state of energy.

Becoming aware that the events in our personal lives had to be the way there were (most likely even chosen by my Higher Self to increase chances of healing) shows us the importance of consciously showing up for our life's choices. According to most mystic schools, karma cannot really be changed, as it represents an energetic ‘debt’ that has to be ‘paid’. However, by becoming aware of our karmic patterns and working with them, we are able to identify some of these karmic aspects consciously interact with them, and thus transcend them.

Karma ensures that we live a conscious life. Uncovering our personal karmic dispositions is one of the single most liberating parts of our spiritual self-discovery journey, facilitating higher levels of self-awareness and thus higher levels of consciousness.

Karma reminds us to take full responsibility for our life –physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual manifestations, as well as our relationships.

Karma is often seen as 'judgment' or a measure of how well we are performing in this life, but the metaphysical view shows a different picture. There are reasons for us to having to go through certain life lessons, but unaware to our ego selves, these can often only be seen in hindsight. Karma can often shows up as similar or identical patterns playing out over and over again. Perhaps the key players and characters have different names, but the pattern still remains the same. This is what we call a ‘Karmic Propensity.’ It describes the energetic pull to repeat a certain lesson until it’s resolved. Getting involved in the same kind of relationships, feeling attracted to the same kind of partners, and getting stuck in the same misery indicate that karma is at work.

In order to gain a better feel for our own Karma and become a more active participant in overcoming those seemingly predisposed tasks, a little inventory-taking is necessary. It requires us to own our own parts in our life's dramas and shows us ways out of blame and shame. In the end, our virtues, principles, and ethics are the pillars of how we define and judge ourselves, but do we always measure up to our own values?

What if Karma is a failsafe for us to live our highest?

What if karma is there for us to grow beyond our debts?!

Yes, karmic patterns are often the result of our own choices in this lifetime, but or can also be inherited and extend out several generations (Karmic Family/Ancestry). Karma can also play out in relationships, repeating painful patterns of our childhood, or even past lives. Common karmic ties that can be observed are formed through broken vows, and oaths, as well as sworn allegiances to persons, institutions, churches, or other kinds of groups/nations. But the I-will-love-you-forever or I-would-die-for-you-promise is by far the most common karmic tie between ex-lovers. If left uncleared, these vows can follow you for several lifetimes!

The energetic perspective on karmic ties and binds shows a very vivid picture of people's unconscious choices in life and thus can become a valuable self-healing roadmap. We need to learn to un-tie these binds and not repeat them again. Most of this depends on our willingness to admit our own projections, which is why karma work goes so deep.

Conscious karma work can help us to look at our past from a new, more self-loving perspective, and thus help us to understand ourselves better. It can give us pathways to not only change but also to take charge of our future. Find out for yourself, how karma work can help you understand yourself better!

Recognizing our karmic lessons leads us to acknowledge that there is a loving higher power at work, like a loving parent, not one that is out to judge us but to nudge us to grow into our higher expression.


Jona Bryndis

If you are interested in active karma work check out our KARMIC CLEARING MARATHON

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