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Jona Bryndis

New Hope through Inner Peace

Energetic Quality of December 2022

How would you life be different if you knew in your heart what you came here for and what your path to inner peace is?

The DECEMBER 2022 Energy Quality indicates that the latest revelations are just the beginning of a new reality. The polarities in our societies will continue to heat up, and show us how only a higher perspective and full understanding of the larger context can activate new hope for a better future. But, until our collective psyche is able to integrate conflicting inner and outer impulses, it can be quite confusing if we don't have the right support structure, which most don't have!

It is not enough to know and blame the powers that have been influencing our experience in the past to initiate change! In order to find our path through this chaotic outer time, our inner roadmap needs to refined and authenticated. 

In December, it is therefore of utmost importance to develop and cultivate a daily spiritual routine to find support through our inner connection first.  Once we can internalize what we couldn't see before, we can learn to counteract outer insecurities with inner clarity and peace through insight. 

Our perception alone cannot lead us to growth and more connection, without the ability to make meaning of it and feel the essence of our own role in it.

With explosive collective events going on around us, we will be confronted with the untruth that guided us into struggle and suffering one last time. This will finally bring about the catalyst for the change we have been waiting for! December is an excellent month for radical change in our personal lives. It will help us understand how we can grow through our consciousness, and show us what we need to let go of what we want more of in life - and finally answer our questions that can help us see the right path for our self-actualization.

December is an important month for our inner spiritual connection and the development of inner vision to know which path to take.

In this deeply integrating month, many of us will rediscover how to find deep peace through cultivating meditation, prayer and self-reflection. It's the perfect time for finding and deepening our connection with like-minded and enjoying the mutual exchange with other consciousness-oriented people. After decades of hiding your true identity, December will show you how important it is to show your light (without projection) so that others can find you. Your struggles with your spiritual identity in the past were merely the preparation for stepping into your bigger task that can finally lead you to fulfillment! 

By allowing our light to be renewed, we are igniting our true inner power and thus GIVE HOPE for a brighter future for everyone!

The overall feel of December is comparable to the feeling after a big storm. Explosive releases will help us to recognize what is essential for us and lead us into the liberation from untruths in our lives (inner and outer). Albeit discomforting at times, we will be able to walk through this month of 'thunder and lightning'  with the inner knowing that these ignitions are necessary for a new beginning. Higher understanding leads to Higher Expressions. We will end this year with a crystal-like clarity of WHY we have been facing certain resistances, patterns, and struggles in our personal lives, and what we need to change to make peace with them.

Our personal growth task for December is to find new ways to peace through inner empowerment, so that we can muster a new energetic momentum and motivation to approach the new year 2023 and the next two decades, that will be influenced by our current events. 

Become a beacon of HOPE!

The Daily Empowerment Message I will be sending to you throughout December can help you to remember your spiritual self and higher consciousness amid your busy daily life.

Thank you for choosing this important step into our inner freedom!

 Register for daily empowerment videos and messages here.


Jona Bryndis

Founder of transCODES Energy Healing & Training

For personal energy healing and training sessions, courses or programs go here.

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