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Jona Bryndis

Archangel Michael & Michaelmas

Updated: Sep 15, 2024

Michaelmas is traditionally celebrated on September 29 and has both religious and folk customs associated with it. Michael the Archangel, who is honored as the protector against evil and the leader of the heavenly armies brings in the courage to discern and choose truth. He represents the Sword of Truth that can cut through deception, lies, and manipulation.

Learn how spiritually aligning to Michael-Energy can help you to cut through lies, deception, and trickery. Info on transCODES free Michaelmas event September 28

Archangel Michael and Dragon

Michaelmas is traditionally celebrated on September 29 and has both religious and folk customs associated with it. In Christian tradition, it involves attending church services dedicated to Saint Michael the Archangel, who is honored as the protector against evil and the leader of the heavenly armies.

In some cultures, Michaelmas marks the end of the harvest season. In England, it was customary to eat a "Michaelmas goose" and Blackberry Pies for good luck. The day also involves lighting candles, singing hymns, and reflecting on themes of courage, protection, and the triumph of good over evil.

Spiritually Aligning to Archangel Michael

As one of the three Archangels venerated by name in many different religious traditions, Archangel Michael stands as a powerful figure and an exceptional ally in the spiritual battle against darkness. In modern times, he also symbolizes the power that can help us to discern truth, and that assists us in battling our inner dragons.

His presence is mentioned five times in the Bible, where he is depicted as the protector of Truth, a guardian of conscious souls, and, in the book of Revelation, as the celestial warrior who defeated Satan/Ahriman and cast him out of heaven. Hence forth, his powers (lies, deception, trickery) lost their powers over the conscious mind. The unconscious is still affected, and, as can all observe, is on the rise again.

In more modern and secular observances, people might focus on the spiritual significance of Michaelmas by realigning and setting intentions for our spiritual growth through engaging in acts of service, or performing rituals that symbolize personal protection and strength. We can summon the powers of Archangel Michael by consciously aligning our energies to the powers he represents. Michaelmas time can therefore be an excellent time for personal reflection on one's inner struggles and the resolve needed to overcome them.

Beneficial Practices during Michaelmas time:


Self-Healing Work

New Beginnings through Conscious Will

Shadow Clearing

Heart Clearing

JOIN transCODES' free Michaelmas Event on September 28, 2024 @9AM (EDT) - Info here

Spiritual Science:

The Courage to Choose & Follow the Light: The Spiritual Significance of Michaelmas

Rudolf Steiner, the founder of Anthroposophy and Philosophy of Freedom, placed great significance on the celebration of Michaelmas, seeing it as a pivotal time in the spiritual calendar. For Steiner, Michaelmas represents the festival of inner courage and the triumph of light over darkness, both in the cosmos and within the human soul.

Steiner taught that Michaelmas is not merely a commemoration of a historical event but a time to align ourselves with the cosmic forces of St. Michael, who stands as the guardian of spiritual progress and the adversary of the forces that seek to hinder human evolution. In his view, Michaelmas marks the moment when humanity is called to awaken to spiritual realities, to develop inner strength, and to confront the challenges of the age with moral courage.

He emphasized that during this time, we are invited to confront our own inner dragons—our fears, doubts, shadows, and lower impulses—and, with the aid of St. Michael, to transform them into forces of spiritual growth. Michaelmas, therefore, is a festival of will and courage, where we are called to participate actively in the cosmic battle between light and darkness, not just in the world around us, but within our own hearts.

Michaelmas Prayer

In Steiner’s vision, St. Michael is the archetype of spiritual striving, leading humanity into a new age of consciousness where we are called to become co-creators in the unfolding of spiritual evolution. Michaelmas, in this context, is a reminder of our responsibility to nurture the light within, to stand as warriors of spirit, and to engage in the ongoing work of inner transformation that aligns us with the Divine Will from within.

As we contemplate the meaning of Michaelmas through the lens of Steiner’s teachings, we are reminded of the profound spiritual opportunity this season - and also this age, that we chose to incarnate into - offers. It is a time to renew our commitment to inner growth, to face the darkness with courage, and to walk the path of light under the guidance of St. Michael.

Archangel Michael is a powerful ally. Hhis purpose is to strengthen and empower the human consciousness soul - our 'I AM' Awareness. Unite with Michael, as he will support those who support themselves!

As always, if you need assistance with these deeper concepts, or have questions, please don't hesitate to schedule a free initial energy coaching with me.

Stay Conscious!

Much Love,

Jona Bryndis

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