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nergyBoost - Phoenix Rising July 2022 High Energy Transformation

Sat, Jul 16


Remote - from you home on your schedule

10 Days daily 20-minute live n|ergyBoost Sessions

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nergyBoost - Phoenix Rising July 2022 High Energy Transformation
nergyBoost - Phoenix Rising July 2022 High Energy Transformation

Time & Location

Jul 16, 2022, 11:30 AM – Jul 25, 2022, 12:00 PM

Remote - from you home on your schedule

About the event

Daily @11.30AM (EST) - Start: July 16, 2022  End: July 25, 2022

Due to intense inner and outer transformation speed in these coming weeks, I am offering a 10-Day PHOENIX RISING interactive n|ergyBoost special for all who are finally ready to bust through old barriers and make serious changes in their lives. If this speaks to you, you must be willing to dedicate yourself to a daily energy transformation discipline - for 10 days. 

During those days you will participate in a daily 20-minute live Energy Boost Transfer Session, and practice breaking down your own thoughts, feelings, choices and actions. Together, we will set a goal and learn how to energize the change you want to manifest. 

Your daily ENERGY BOOST sessions will show you how to focus your energy in 20-minute remote energy transmission sessions to clear stagnation and focus on your higher expression. It will allow you to get past emotional, mental and spiritual confusion and allow you to discover your self-mastery and manifestation abilities.

Connect, let go of the old, and experience yourself manifesting miracles!

This 10-day intensive takes advantage of the extremely high vibratory transformation energies. Read below how these high energy transformation sessions work.

How High Energy Transformation n|ergyBoost Session work

In general Remote transMISSION work is designed for you to internalize their experiences. In n|ergyBoost Sessions a person is supposed to find and follow his/her own inner guidance in regards to what the future will bring for them - free of conditioned, attached or blocking preoccupations. To trust in this inner guidance fully requires a little practice, but works amazingly well especially when facilitated with the help of a trained energy coach.

Different from interactive Remote Energy transMISSIONS an n|ergyBoost Session works based to the high energy frequency the energy coach transmits. This is a one-way energy transmission and does not require you to interact, on the contrary! There is no invocation or pre-alignment that happens before the session. Your part in this n|ergyBoost session is to make yourself available for 20 minutes and self-report.

The objective of n|ergyBoost sessions is to boost your energetic system to rewire itself according to your higher potential. In order for this to happen in a balanced way, it needs to happen in all dimensions of your Self simultaneously. For this purpose, it is important to involve all 5 different layers of your Self:

Physical - Sensations

Emotional - Feelings

Mental - Mindsets

Spiritual - Beliefs

Energetic - Responses

Personal growth and healing always includes three fundamental processes: Removing, Internalizing, and Forming a New Routine based on higher levels of well-being. Until we can realize how to bring ourselves into this higher expression of ourselves, we sometimes need a little boost to gain more clarity to better prioritize our efforts and to know what to focus on or where to start.

Each n|ergyBoost Session (daily for 10 days/same time @11.30AM (EST) has a different effect on our system, depending on the personal situation. With each and every session there will a Clearing, Connecting and Integrating phase through which it will become more and more obvious to you which path to take. Similar to Energetic Tune-Up Sessions, there are three phases to the higher energy transformation  process:

1. Clearing, Releasing & Becoming Aware of Resistance

- removing inner blocks and confusion via mental & emotional processing and insights, often accompanied by physical releases

2. Connecting, Internalization & Feeling

- making the unconscious conscious - via feeling through the heart and discerning what is true to us, often accompanied by emotional releases

3. Integrating, Implementing & Actualizing

- more practical and pragmatic, via trusting and listening to inner guidance, often accompanied by critical internal dialog

There is no hierarchy or order in which we process our ability to tap into our inner guidance. However, some aspects of early-childhood-conditioning is heavily anchored in our physical body and cell-memory. Part of these n|ergyBooster sessions is to recondition your body, which is why they take place daily at the same time of the day. Physical conditioning is best accomplished through vigorous routine (same exercise at same time of the day.) It will teach the densest part of your self to become more receptive when initiated by a 'ritual' of your choosing.

I recommend that you pick a the exact same (conscious) body position, ambience and situation (e.g. lying on your bed, sitting in your favorite chair, or sitting at your favorite nature spot, etc.)  Try to find a context which you can imagine to continue doing your own high energy transformation sessions after the 10-day booster period.

Transformation is a very personal process! Therefore, you personal contextualization will depend on your attention. Ultimately the goal with tapping into the path that leads you to the unfolding of your highest potential is driven by your willingness to grow.


The PHOENIX RISING n|ergyBoost sessions are included for Energy Training Club subscribers.


  • PHOENIX RISING -Participation

    20 minute Personal nergyBoost sessions daily for 10 days

    Sale ended
  • Sacred Self-Healing Member

    Discounted 20 minute Personal nergyBoost sessions daily for 10 days

    +$6.23 service fee
    Sale ended



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