FEBRUARY 2022 Energy Forecast Discusssion (Sacred Self-Healing)
Thu, Jan 27
|Webinar Link
Forecast & Live Discussion of FEBRUARY 2022 Energies - with Jona Bryndis

Time & Location
Jan 27, 2022, 9:00 PM – 10:30 PM EST
Webinar Link
About the event
Thank you for registering for our Sacred Self-Healing Online Discussion!
With this email, you receive the access data for this webinar. Please click on the REGISTER link to receive your access data and to prepare your computer for the webinar: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/rt/7319740697334003471
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Sacred Self-Healing Webinar discussion meetings are a bit different from regular sacred self-healing meetings. The purpose of this meeting is discussing current energies and how we can better deal with physical, emotional or relationship challenges.
 We will keep the microphones open, so you can comment at any time.
Meeting Timeline:
After sharing and reviewing last month's energies together we will be looking into the next month hoping to get a vivid discussion going and lots of questions from you!
Please feel encouraged to ask personal questions, either now or during the webinar meeting (in text or voice).
If you have a specific question and want to make sure we cover it in this meeting you can ask your question upfront. After registering you will be directed to a form for your question.
Questions that are submitted will be read and answered.
We are looking forward to having you at the meeting !
1 hour 30 minutesFEBRUARY 2022 Energy Forecast & Live Discussion