Soul Self Initiation - GRACE Training Club (Group)
Sa., 19. Aug.
|Remote & Phone
1 Year- Weekly Soul Self Initiation Training Program: 36 Live Remote Energy Healing and 12 Group Coaching Sessions

Time & Location
19. Aug. 2023, 15:00 – 16:05 GMT-4
Remote & Phone
About the event
Soul Self Inititation (1 year - 48 weekly sessions)
Self-Growth through Deep Connection with your Spiritual Self
The GRACE Soul Self Inititiation Training is desgined as a year-long combination of Live Energy Healing Training and Group Coaching Sessions. It includes all GRACE Energy Healing modalities as group sessions. It is designed to guide you through the entire process of connecting with your inner GRACE over a period of one year. In weekly sessions, alternating between 3 Energy Session followed by one Group Coaching Meet each month, you will be able to systematically develop spiritual awareness and energetic self-healing abilities.
Your SOUL SELF INITIATION Experience is a new personalized Self-Embodiment program designed as a complete and holistic journey back to experiencing and internalizing our very own Soul Self. With regular weekly remote energy sessions (Saturdays at 3PM (EDT) it allows us to feel our spiritual connection first hand and trains our energy to vibrate higher. In twelve consecutive cycles of 3 Remote Energy Sessions and one Group Meet per month, we are slowly allowing our energy to vibrate in a higher frequency and thus clear all blockages in the corresponding layer of our energy body.
This program is focused on your internalized experience of your GRACE Soul Self.
GRACE is an energetic resonance that connects us directly to the heart and soul of True Self. It's an energy frequency that we can work work with and align to. In your personal energy sessions, we practice this alignment and train your energy field to resonate on this frequency. As this occurs, a spontaneous release of lower vibratory pain, trauma, and fear allows us to experience ourselves within the state of heart-consciousness. The power of this modality lies in its energetic alignment to GRACE as an energetic resonance. It initiates emotional, mental, physical and energetic clearing and integration through heart-centered energy healing. In a gentle way, it facilitates the overcoming of mental, physical and emotional trauma and thus allows us to reconcile with our lost/given away/taken away soul aspects.
Working with the various Grace Processes aid those on the spiritual path by aligning to and practicing connection work through multiple layers and aspects of our journey. The high vibrational resonance of this highly effective self-healing modality is the alignment to the frequency of 'GRACE'. While this word can remind some of us on religious teachings, the spiritual purity of this resonance has nothing to do with religion.
The way this Energy Healing modality works is through bypassing our mental overlay, such as self-judgment and negative self-image, to allow the clearing of emotional energies through the heart. It addresses the core aspect on the energetic/spiritual level and can thus help us to break through persistent emotional, mental and energetic patterns. The work with the Grace Resonance happens through several layers of our Energy Body.
The GRACE Cycle consists of 12 different self-healing processes (3 Remote Energy Sessions each) that build upon another. Together, they gradually train our energy to vibrate higher and higher. It's an amazing way to connect deeper with your heart and align/feel the work of Grace within you. The nature of these Remote Energy Session is gentle, respectful and safe. Grace itself works through softness, compassion, and subtlety. It gives us the space to reconnect with our self-forgiveness and connects us with the feminine aspect of healing. But don’t let that fool you! The level of clearing ansd integration that can be accomplished through this integration work can be very intense! It’s like clearing, integration, and connection all wrapped into one.
GRACE Energy Sessions are designed to systematically assist you with:
- deeper connecting with your heart
- self-awareness and self-mastery
- increasing your spiritual connection & knowingness
- conscious manifestation
- releasing guilt & shame
- clearing emotional attachments
- basic inner fusion and defragmentation
- trauma healing and recovery (addiction)
- teaching you energetic perceptivity
- self-clearing of hidden/unconscious blocks
- integrating of unresolved emotions & experiences
The twelve GRACE Cycles are designed as weekly sessions which allows you to cultivate and build your complete GRACE SOUL SELF CYCLE one month at a time.
GRACE Integrity® - Initiation (by P. St. Clair)
GRACE Manifestation
GRACE True Love
GRACE Mental-Heart Fusion
GRACE Sacral-Heart Fusion
GRACE Trauma Clearing
GRACE Recovery
GRACE Redemption
GRACE Soul Unification
GRACE Soul Monad
GRACE Gaia Sophia
GRACE Soul Integrity
Your session comes with a live contact and reflection right after session.
This Training Program can be booked as stand alone (monthly or for the entire Initiation Cycle) or as part of the Energy Training Club.
Discounted one-time and monthly payment options available.
GRACE Training Club 1 Year
Soul Self Initiation Cycle - 4 monthly live group sessions Saturdays @3PM (EDT)
Von 199,00 $ bis 1.999,00 $Verkauf beendet- 199,00 $
- 1.999,00 $
GRACE Personal Healing Session
One-time Private 60-Minute Private Remote Energy Healing Session
200,00 $Verkauf beendetGRACE Energy Coaching Session
90-Minute Private Remote Energy Coaching Session (phone or Skype)
185,00 $Verkauf beendetGRACE Persönlicher Heilungszyklus
Drei 60-minütige private Fernenergieheilungssitzungen mit 1 Energiecoaching (1,5 Std. Telefon oder Skype)
599,00 $Verkauf beendetGRACE Seelen-Selbst-Zyklus
Spirituelles Selbsttraining für 1 Jahr. Wöchentliche persönliche Energieheilungssitzungen (48), abwechselnd 3 Fernenergieheilungssitzungen und 1 Energiecoaching-Sitzung pro Monat
5.500,00 $Verkauf beendet
0,00 $