Energy Clearing Session - On Appointment
Time is TBD
|Remote Energy Clearing
Reduce Energetic Stress & Maintain Balance - includes written report

Time & Location
Time is TBD
Remote Energy Clearing
About the event
ENERGY CLEARING SESSION - on appointment only
Please eamail info@transcodes.com for scheduling after booking
The Energetic Clearings offered are interactive and allow me  to assess your energetic system to determine where there are blocks in  the flow of your energy.  I then work with your energy to help remove or  unwind these impediments to increase symmetry and proper energy flow in  the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, or etheric part of your  energy body.
In a typical energy clearing excessive or  toxic emotions, negativity, and any attachments that may be keeping you  tied to old ways or binds that limit your connection with your Source can be removed. This can lead to energetic stress reduction that allows you feel enough uplist to make permanent changes. Also, during the session various psychological or behavioral patterns  within you will be assessed. These are typically unresolved or hidden  issues of the ego – sometimes called shadow traits – that need to be  integrated and understood.
Through the session and the Energetic Clearing Report, this work will  help you to become consciously aware of your inner shadow traits, help  to clear the negativity surrounding these patterns and facilitate a more  comprehensive integration of these aspects during your ongoing personal  work and self-healing process.
Energetic Clearing processes are suitable for everyone. They can help  to create a ‘clean slate’ for old energies to be released and new  manifestation energies to come in. The report outlines the work performed and make suggestions on how to add to your ongoing self-healing efforts.
An Energetic Clearing, especially in conjunction with an energy coaching afterwards can helps you to become consciously  aware of your inner ego/defensive patterns, helps clear the negativity  surrounding these patterns, and facilitates a more comprehensive  integration of these aspects during your ongoing personal work and  self-healing process.
Individual Clearing Sessions can assist you with:
- Clearing excessive emotions or attachments
- Feeling or obtaining a new perspective on what it feels like to be  clear and enhance your ability to go into self-care and healing
- Enhance overall energetic levels to aid in connection, integration and letting go
- Chance to interact with an experienced energy coach to help break  down or enhance deeper understanding and what may be better choices  in your life (via email or coaching sessions) to help integrate and live  more abundantly
A coaching session is available with this special as well as discounts for Sacred Self-Healing Program
All energetic coaching sessions for clearings are approximately 60-90 minutes via Skype.
Energy Clearing Session
Regular 60-Minute Remote Energy Clearing Session with written report & 60-90-Minute Energy Coaching session on Skype
250,00Â $Energy Clearing Session SSHP
Discounted 60-Minute Remote Energy Clearing Session with 60-90 minute energy coaching on Skype for Sacred Self-Healing Members
200,00Â $Energy Clearing Series 3
Three Regular 60-Minute Remote Energy Clearing Session with written report & one 60-90-Minute Energy Coaching session on Skype
599,00Â $
0,00Â $