Mi., 27. Dez.
|Remote - From Your Home
FUTURE SELF Energy Healing Session Marathon
9-Hour Live Remote Energy Healing Session December 27-29, 2023
Time & Location
27. Dez. 2023, 07:00 GMT-5
Remote - From Your Home
About the event
FUTURE SELF Energy Healing Marathon
December 27 - 29, 2023 @7AM, 1PM & 10PM (EST)
The true purpose of our life’s quest will finally reveal itself to those who can unconditionally trust in their inner True Self's prompting.
EXPRESSION is the primary Healing Resonance for this session focus. It will help our Present Self to be more conscientious about the presence and allow us to WITNESS positive and negative FEEDBACK as a tool to receive more CLEAR VISION OF OURSELVES.
This inner ENERGETIC ANCHORING PROCESS initiates and strengthens the formation of a new CARRIER WAVE FOR FEEDBACK SIGNALS to be transported to and from the future - as well as from and into the present.   In the practical, it will align our energy to become more ACTIVE AND ENGAGING in the Unification of Past - Present & Future Self, so that a REASSURANCE of 'being on the right path' can be experienced as new REFERENCE FEELING. In other words, it will increase your ability to 'know' when you are on the right track!   Exploring our heart's potential and to follow the inner guidance on how to transform and expand our light beyond our 3D existence is the ultimate quest we all came here for. It is the quest of transmuting our Divine Consciousness into our physical 3D existence.
Experience it for yourself!
Instructions will contain comprehensive explanations and breakdown of metaphysical concepts applied. In our forum participants will discuss their experiences.
If you have any questions, please email me: jona@transcodes.com
Future Self Marathon -Special
All 9 Energy Sessions
150,00Â $Verkauf beendetAbsolvententicket
Für alle, die drei Session-Teilnahmen hinter sich haben oder den Energie|Kurs absolviert haben
40,00 $+ 1,00 $ ServicegebührVerkauf beendet
0,00Â $